Nächste Überarbeitung | Vorhergehende Überarbeitung |
anim:spells:spells [2023/05/14 09:26] – angelegt amber-rose | anim:spells:spells [2023/06/25 05:51] (aktuell) – amber-rose |
====== Spells ====== | ====== Spells ====== |
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| {{:anim:spells:aramus_ranke.gif?nolink |}} **Ranke** |
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| * **by Aramus** |
| * {{:anim:spells:aramus_ranke01.gif?linkonly|Review}} |
| * {{:anim:spells:aramus_ranke.rar|Download}} |
| </WRAP> |
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| <WRAP column 350px> |
| {{:anim:spells:daskaras_blauer_feuerball.gif?nolink |}} **blauer feuerball** |
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| * **by Daskaras** |
| * {{:anim:spells:daskaras_blauer_feuerball01.gif?linkonly|Review}} |
| * {{:anim:spells:daskaras_blauer_feuerball.rar|Download}} |
| </WRAP> |
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| <WRAP column 350px> |
| {{:anim:spells:daskaras_blitz.gif?nolink |}} **Blitz** |
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| * **by Daskaras** |
| * {{:anim:spells:daskaras_blitz01.gif?linkonly|Review}} |
| * {{:anim:spells:daskaras_blitz.rar|Download}} |
| </WRAP> |
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| <WRAP column 350px> |
| {{:anim:spells:daskaras_wolkenanim.gif?nolink |}} **Wolke** |
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| * **by Daskaras** |
| * {{:anim:spells:daskaras_wolkenanim01.gif?linkonly|Review}} |
| * {{:anim:spells:daskaras_wolkenanim.rar|Download}} |
| </WRAP> |
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| <WRAP column 350px> |
| {{:anim:spells:inconnu_black_moongate.gif?nolink |}} **Black Moongate** |
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| * **by Inconnu** |
| * {{:anim:spells:inconnu_black_moongate01.gif?linkonly|Review}} |
| * {{:anim:spells:inconnu_black_moongate.rar|Download}} |
| </WRAP> |
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| <WRAP column 350px> |
| {{:anim:spells:inconnu_blue_moongate.gif?nolink |}} **Blue Moongate** |
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| * **by Inconnu** |
| * {{:anim:spells:inconnu_blue_moongate01.gif?linkonly|Review}} |
| * {{:anim:spells:inconnu_blue_moongate.rar|Download}} |
| </WRAP> |
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| <WRAP column 350px> |
| {{:anim:spells:inconnu_red_moongate.gif?nolink |}} **Red Moongate** |
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| * **by Inconnu** |
| * {{:anim:spells:inconnu_red_moongate01.gif?linkonly|Review}} |
| * {{:anim:spells:inconnu_red_moongate.rar|Download}} |
| </WRAP> |
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| <WRAP column 350px> |
| {{:anim:spells:inconnu_tornado.gif?nolink |}} **Tornado** |
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| * **by Inconnu** |
| * {{:anim:spells:inconnu_tornado01.gif?linkonly|Review}} |
| * {{:anim:spells:inconnu_tornado.rar|Download}} |
| </WRAP> |
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| <WRAP column 350px> |
| {{:anim:spells:loe_blitz.gif?nolink |}} **Blitz** |
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| * **by Lands of Eternia** |
| * {{:anim:spells:loe_blitz01.gif?linkonly|Review}} |
| * {{:anim:spells:loe_blitz.rar|Download}} |
| </WRAP> |
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| <WRAP column 350px> |
| {{:anim:spells:loe_gefunkel.gif?nolink |}} **Gefunkel** |
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| * **by Lands of Eternia** |
| * {{:anim:spells:loe_gefunkel01.gif?linkonly|Review}} |
| * {{:anim:spells:loe_gefunkel.rar|Download}} |
| </WRAP> |
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| <WRAP column 350px> |
| {{:anim:spells:loe_moongate_eckig.gif?nolink |}} **Moongate eckig** |
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| * **by Land of Eternia** |
| * {{:anim:spells:loe_moongate_eckig01.gif?linkonly|Review}} |
| * {{:anim:spells:loe_moongate_eckig.rar|Download}} |
| </WRAP> |
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| <WRAP column 350px> |
| {{:anim:spells:me_blauer_rauch.gif?nolink |}} **blauer Rauch** |
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| * **by UOME** |
| * {{:anim:spells:me_blauer_rauch01.gif?linkonly|Review}} |
| * {{:anim:spells:me_blauer_rauch.rar|Download}} |
| </WRAP> |
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| <WRAP column 350px> |
| {{:anim:spells:me_brennender_pfeil.gif?nolink |}} **Brennender Pfeil** |
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| * **by UOME** |
| * {{:anim:spells:me_brennender_pfeil01.gif?linkonly|Re 1}}, {{:anim:spells:me_brennender_pfeil02.gif?linkonly|2}} |
| * {{:anim:spells:me_brennender_pfeil.rar|Download}} |
| </WRAP> |
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| <WRAP column 350px> |
| {{:anim:spells:me_erscheinung.gif?nolink |}} **Erscheinung** |
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| * **by UOME** |
| * {{:anim:spells:me_erscheinung01.gif?linkonly|Review}} |
| * {{:anim:spells:me_erscheinung.rar|Download}} |
| </WRAP> |
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| <WRAP column 350px> |
| {{:anim:spells:me_feuer.gif?nolink |}} **Feuer** |
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| * **by UOME** |
| * {{:anim:spells:me_feuer01.gif?linkonly|RE 1}}, {{:anim:spells:me_feuer02.gif?linkonly|2}}, {{:anim:spells:me_feuer03.gif?linkonly|3}} |
| * {{:anim:spells:me_feuer.rar|Download}} |
| </WRAP> |
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| <WRAP column 350px> |
| {{:anim:spells:me_insektenschwarm.gif?nolink |}} **Insektenschwarm** |
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| * **by UOME** |
| * {{:anim:spells:me_insektenschwarm01.gif?linkonly|Review}} |
| * {{:anim:spells:me_insektenschwarm.rar|Download}} |
| </WRAP> |
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| {{:anim:spells:melvas_ahnenportal.gif?nolink |}} **Ahnenportal** |
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| * **by Melvas** |
| * {{:anim:spells:melvas_ahnenportal01.gif?linkonly|Review}} |
| * {{:anim:spells:melvas_ahnenportal.rar|Download}} |
| </WRAP> |
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| <WRAP column 350px> |
| {{:anim:spells:nex666_blaue_flamme.gif?nolink |}} **Blaue flamme** |
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| * **by Nex666** |
| * {{:anim:spells:nex666_blaue_flamme01.gif?linkonly|Review}} |
| * {{:anim:spells:nex666_blaue_flamme.rar|Download}} |
| </WRAP> |
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| <WRAP column 350px> |
| {{:anim:spells:nex666_eis_spike.gif?nolink |}} **Eis Spike** |
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| * **by Nex666** |
| * {{:anim:spells:nex666_eis_spike01.gif?linkonly|Review}} |
| * {{:anim:spells:nex666_eis_spike.rar|Download}} |
| </WRAP> |
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| <WRAP column 350px> |
| {{:anim:spells:nex666_energie_spirale.gif?nolink |}} **Energie Spirale** |
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| * **by Nex666** |
| * {{:anim:spells:nex666_energie_spirale01.gif?linkonly|Review}} |
| * {{:anim:spells:nex666_energie_spirale.rar|Download}} |
| </WRAP> |
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| <WRAP column 350px> |
| {{:anim:spells:nex666_fluegel.gif?nolink |}} **Flügel** |
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| * **by Nex666** |
| * {{:anim:spells:nex666_fluegel01.gif?linkonly|Review}} |
| * {{:anim:spells:nex666_fluegel.rar|Download}} |
| </WRAP> |
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| <WRAP column 350px> |
| {{:anim:spells:nex666_meteor.gif?nolink |}} **Meteor** |
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| * **by Nex666** |
| * {{:anim:spells:nex666_meteor01.gif?linkonly|Review}} |
| * {{:anim:spells:nex666_meteor.rar|Download}} |
| </WRAP> |
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| <WRAP column 350px> |
| {{:anim:spells:nex666_zz.gif?nolink |}} **Schlaf ZzZz** |
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| * **by Nex666** |
| * {{:anim:spells:nex666_zz01.gif?linkonly|Review}} |
| * {{:anim:spells:nex666_zz.rar|Download}} |
| </WRAP> |
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| <WRAP column 350px> |
| {{:anim:spells:rikus_plasmakugel.gif?nolink |}} **Plasmakugel** |
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| * **by Rikus** |
| * {{:anim:spells:rikus_plasmakugel01.gif?linkonly|Review}} |
| * {{:anim:spells:rikus_plasmakugel.rar|Download}} |
| </WRAP> |
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| <WRAP column 350px> |
| {{:anim:spells:tiger_zauber_feuerschaedel.gif?nolink |}} **Feuerschädel** |
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| * **by Tigerchen** |
| * {{:anim:spells:tiger_zauber_feuerschaedel01.gif?linkonly|Review}} |
| * {{:anim:spells:tiger_zauber_feuerschaedel.rar|Download}} |
| </WRAP> |
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| <WRAP column 350px> |
| {{:anim:spells:uodev_mondtor.gif?nolink |}} **Moongate** |
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| * **by uodev** |
| * {{:anim:spells:uodev_mondtor01.gif?linkonly|Review}} |
| * {{:anim:spells:uodev_mondtor.rar|Download}} |
| </WRAP> |
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| <WRAP column 350px> |
| {{:anim:spells:uodev_sternenschweif.gif?nolink |}} **Sternenschweif** |
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| * **by uodev** |
| * {{:anim:spells:uodev_sternenschweif01.gif?linkonly|Review}} |
| * {{:anim:spells:uodev_sternenschweif.rar|Download}} |
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