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uofiddler:index [2023/06/08 13:08] – [05.06.2023 Release] amber-roseuofiddler:index [2024/05/27 05:03] (aktuell) – [Download] amber-rose
Zeile 7: Zeile 7:
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-===== News ===== 
-==== 05.06.2023 Version 4.10.9 ==== 
-  * For the MainForm, a TabPanel_DrawItem event was added. The tabs are being reloaded and sorted differently. Additionally, the tabs have been assigned their own colors for identification purposes. 
-  * Texture - Another function added: a 90-degree rotation to the left. It works with all sizes, such as 64x64, 128x128, or larger. 
 ===== Download ===== ===== Download =====
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-**{{:uofiddler:uofiddler.rar|UoFiddler - Uo-Pixel Edition}}**+**[[|UoFiddler - Uo-Pixel Edition]]**
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