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arts:roofs:roofs [2023/05/18 07:55] amber-rosearts:roofs:roofs [Unbekanntes Datum] (aktuell) – Externe Bearbeitung (Unbekanntes Datum)
Zeile 3: Zeile 3:
 <WRAP group> <WRAP group>
-<WRAP column 250px>+<WRAP column 350px>
 {{:arts:roofs:eri_eck_tile_roof.gif?nolink |}} **Dachecken** {{:arts:roofs:eri_eck_tile_roof.gif?nolink |}} **Dachecken**
Zeile 11: Zeile 11:
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-<WRAP column 250px>+<WRAP column 350px>
 {{:arts:roofs:eri_ruindach.gif?nolink |}}**Kaputtes Dach** {{:arts:roofs:eri_ruindach.gif?nolink |}}**Kaputtes Dach**
Zeile 19: Zeile 19:
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-<WRAP column 250px>+<WRAP column 350px>
 {{:arts:roofs:eri_runddach.gif?nolink |}} **Runddach** {{:arts:roofs:eri_runddach.gif?nolink |}} **Runddach**
Zeile 27: Zeile 27:
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-<WRAP column 250px>+<WRAP column 350px>
 {{:arts:roofs:eri_stroh.gif?nolink |}} **Strohdach** {{:arts:roofs:eri_stroh.gif?nolink |}} **Strohdach**
Zeile 35: Zeile 35:
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-<WRAP column 250px>+<WRAP column 350px>
 {{:arts:roofs:eri_wooden_shringles1.gif?nolink |}} **Dachecken** {{:arts:roofs:eri_wooden_shringles1.gif?nolink |}} **Dachecken**
Zeile 43: Zeile 43:
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-<WRAP column 250px>+<WRAP column 350px>
 {{:arts:roofs:me_eiszapfen.gif?nolink |}} **Eiszapfen**  {{:arts:roofs:me_eiszapfen.gif?nolink |}} **Eiszapfen** 
Zeile 51: Zeile 51:
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-<WRAP column 250px>+<WRAP column 350px>
 {{:arts:roofs:me_kuppeldach.gif?nolink |}} **Kuppeldach** {{:arts:roofs:me_kuppeldach.gif?nolink |}} **Kuppeldach**
Zeile 59: Zeile 59:
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-<WRAP column 250px>+<WRAP column 350px>
 {{:arts:roofs:me_strohdach.gif?nolink |}} **Strohdach** {{:arts:roofs:me_strohdach.gif?nolink |}} **Strohdach**
Zeile 67: Zeile 67:
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-<WRAP column 250px>+<WRAP column 350px>
 {{:arts:roofs:puppet_stone_tile.gif?nolink |}} **Steindach** {{:arts:roofs:puppet_stone_tile.gif?nolink |}} **Steindach**
Zeile 75: Zeile 75:
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-<WRAP column 250px>+<WRAP column 350px>
 {{:arts:roofs:safera_spitzdach.gif?nolink |}} **Spitzdach** {{:arts:roofs:safera_spitzdach.gif?nolink |}} **Spitzdach**
Zeile 83: Zeile 83:
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-<WRAP column 250px>+<WRAP column 350px>
 {{:arts:roofs:sirheimdall_palm_roof.gif?nolink |}} **Palmdach** {{:arts:roofs:sirheimdall_palm_roof.gif?nolink |}} **Palmdach**
Zeile 91: Zeile 91:
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-<WRAP column 250px>+<WRAP column 350px>
 {{:arts:roofs:thunar_gebaelk.gif?nolink |}} **Gebälk** {{:arts:roofs:thunar_gebaelk.gif?nolink |}} **Gebälk**
Zeile 99: Zeile 99:
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-<WRAP column 250px>+<WRAP column 350px>
 {{:arts:roofs:thunar_rand.gif?nolink |}} **Dachrand** {{:arts:roofs:thunar_rand.gif?nolink |}} **Dachrand**
Zeile 107: Zeile 107:
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-<WRAP column 250px>+<WRAP column 350px>
 {{:arts:roofs:uodev_schnee_dach.gif?nolink |}} **Schneedach** {{:arts:roofs:uodev_schnee_dach.gif?nolink |}} **Schneedach**
Zeile 115: Zeile 115:
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-<WRAP column 250px>+<WRAP column 350px>
 {{:arts:roofs:uodev_slate_roof.gif?nolink |}} **Dachecken** {{:arts:roofs:uodev_slate_roof.gif?nolink |}} **Dachecken**
Zeile 123: Zeile 123:
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-<WRAP column 250px>+<WRAP column 350px>
 {{:arts:roofs:uodev_thatch_roof.gif?nolink |}} **Dachecken** {{:arts:roofs:uodev_thatch_roof.gif?nolink |}} **Dachecken**
Zeile 131: Zeile 131:
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-<WRAP column 250px>+<WRAP column 350px>
 {{:arts:roofs:uodev_wooden_shringles2.gif?nolink |}} **Dachecken** {{:arts:roofs:uodev_wooden_shringles2.gif?nolink |}} **Dachecken**
Zeile 139: Zeile 139:
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-<WRAP column 250px>+<WRAP column 350px>
 </WRAP> </WRAP>

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